Home > Meihua Garden
主页 > 中星美华村
Meihua Garden Line 10 MAP
中星美华村 10号线 地图
No 1350 Zhongshan west Road Songyuan Road (5-mins)
中山西路1350号 宋园路(5分钟)
Luxury Modern Apartments
Onsite Clubhouse:Yes
Average Rental:RMB 162/sqm/month
平均租金:人民币 162/平方米/月
Located at the border of Changning and Xuhui District, close to Guibei Phase 2, Meihua Garden is one of the newest modern compounds in the area. It was completed in 2011 offering 4 round buildings consisting of 128 big apartments. The compound is situated in the former Garden house compound which used to be called Holly Health. There used to be homes for quite a few celebrities, such as the Song Sisters, Ms Anna Chan Chennault etc. Nowadays, the 10 heritage buildings have been reserved and kept in great condition in the complex. Therefore, Meihua Garden earns the credit that it is considered to be the most beautiful modern compound in the city with beautiful garden houses and big greenery areas around. The sizes of the apartments in Meihui Garden range from 221sqm (3-bedroom units) to 250sqm (3 1 units).
中星美华村座落在长宁区和徐汇区的交界处,是古北二期内最新的小区之一。小区于2011年建成,共有4栋圆形的高楼,拥有128套大平层。中星美华村原址是美华村别墅,在上世纪30年代,美国普益房产公司建造了18栋花园别墅,中国近现代的名流很多曾居住在这里,包括宋美龄姐妹和陈香梅女士;如今其中的10栋花园别墅得以保存,绿树成荫和历史美宅成了中星美华村的亮点之一。中星美华村的主打房源从221平的3房到250平的3 1房型。
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Shanghai rentals of No 1350 Zhongshan west Road in Meihua Garden-Shanghai Lintel 中星美华村中山西路1350号的可租房源