Home > Daohao Mountain Forest Villa
主页 > 大豪山林别墅
Daohao Mountain Forest Villa Line 17 MAP
大豪山林别墅 17号线 地图
Lane 2588 Yinggang Road east 徐盈路 (15-mins)
盈港东路2588弄 Xuying Road(15分钟)
Modern Villas
Onsite Clubhouse:Yes
Average Rental:RMB 100/sqm/month
平均租金:人民币 100/平方米/月
Neighboring with long beach garden villa, Dahao Mountain forest villa is located in between Shanghai American School, British international school and French & German school in the Xujing town. The property is designed in the North American style. It consists of 5 phases offering more than 300 freestanding villas in total. Villas all belong to individual landlords, so fixtures and furnishing differ from each unit. The layouts range from 374 sqm to 782 sqm with private gardens ranging from 500sqm to 1800sqm. The property features its natural forest landscape. Residents can enjoy the harmonious atmosphere with very natural surroundings.
与长堤花园别墅为邻的大豪山林别墅坐落在徐泾地区的美国学校,英国学校和德法学校之间。整个小区是以北美风格为主 ,共有5期组成超过300栋独立别墅。所有别墅都是属于个人业主,因此配置和装修风格因人而异。房型面积从374平方米到782平方米不等,均带有500到1800平方米的私家花园不等。整个小区以自然森林景观为特征。在此的居民可以享受和谐的大自然环境。
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Shanghai rentals of Lane 2588 Yinggang Road east in Daohao Mountain Forest Villa-Shanghai Lintel 大豪山林别墅盈港东路2588弄的可租房源